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Publication Scheme

London South Bank University (LSBU) is required to adopt a Publication Scheme in line with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Scheme is a guide to information routinely held and made available to the public. From January 2009 the University adopted the Model Publication Scheme produced by the Information Commissioner for Higher Education, published in the summer of 2008.

Who we are and what we do

Below is a list of organisational information concerning structures, locations and contacts.

Legal framework
The legal and corporate status of the institution is outlined in the Governance section of this website.
How the institution is organised
In the About us section of our website you will find an introduction to the University's structures, including:

Location and contact details

Read more about the university's location and how to contact us. Full travel instructions to our Southwark campus are given on our Maps and travel page.

Lists of information relating to organisations which the university has responsibility for, those it works in partnership with, those it sponsors and companies wholly owned by it.

Student activities

There is a formal relationship between London South Bank University and its Students' Union.

Read content on sports below.

What we spend and how we spend it

Here you'll find financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Read the University's latest financial statements and find out about Tuition Fees for LSBU's undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Review our Executive expenses from past years.
Budgetary and account information
See Financial accounts dating back to the 2009/10 academic year.
Audit committee
The Audit Committee oversees LSBU's audit activities including auditing the financial statements, appointing the internal and external auditors and advising the Board of Governors on the effectiveness of the internal control system.
Capital programme
See Budgetary and account information above.
Financial regulations and financial resources
Read the University's Financial Regulations (PDF File 618 KB) and our financial statements.
Staff pay and grading structures
Download a copy of the university's salary scales and London weighting details from our Human Resources page, New Appointees page. A listing of staff numbers on each grade is also available for download as well as other important information on recruitment etc.

Procurement, tender and contract information

Full information on how opportunities and contracts are organised at LSBU can be found on our Procurement pages. Also read our Financial Regulations (PDF File 618 KB). The Corporate Procurement Unit offers a range of support. Contact any member of the unit in the first instance and they will direct you to the team member best able to help.

Research funding

Main funding bodies
Office for Students: OfS.
Research Councils
Arts and Humanities Research Council: AHRC
Economic and Social Research Council: ESRC
Doctoral Training Accounts: TDA

What our priorities are and how we are doing

This is an outline of strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews

Annual report

  • Annual Accounts and the Annual Review are available from Facts and Figures section of the website.

Corporate and business plans

The Corporate Strategy responds to the challenges of a rapidly changing education section. Read the University's Corporate Strategy.

Academic quality and standards, including review procedures

  • The Educational Character Committee advises the Board of Governors on the educational character and academic strategy of the University. It allows governors to increase their understanding of the academic life of the University.

Corporate relations

  • We are always keen to develop links with industry not only to provide jobs and career opportunities for students but to meet your recruitment needs by providing a pool of talented and inspired individuals to help grow your business. Find out how to employ our students.

Government and regulatory reports

  • Information that the university is legally obliged to make available to its funding and/or monitoring bodies. Such material may provide information as to how well the university is performing.

How we make decisions

Information around decision making processes and how decisions are recorded.

Board of Governors
Our Board of Governors is the executive governing body of London South Bank University and as such is responsible for ensuring the effective management of the University and planning its future development. Read about our Board of Governors.
Minutes from governing body, Council / Senate
Comprehensive minutes from our Board of Governors meetings and the Committees they sit on are regularly updated to the website. Read minutes.
Appointment committees and procedures
Read minutes from our Human Resources Committee.

Our policies and procedures

Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering services and responsibilities.

Policies and procedures for conducting university business

Procedures and Policies relating to students and their experience

Procedures and policies relating to human resources

Procedures and policies relating to recruitment

Code of conduct for members of governing bodies

  • Read terms of reference for the University Board of Governors and find out more about our members' interests away from the university.

Equality and Diversity

Health and Safety

Estates and Facilities

The Environment Policy underpins the Sustainable Development Strategy. The Environment Policy is supported by a detailed Environmental Strategy and a series of Plans outlining implementation strategy and time bound targets. The Environmental Policy is reviewed annually. Environmental policy (PDF File 147 KB).

Complaints policy

Records management and personal data policies

Research policy and strategy

Charging regimes and policies

LSBU does not currently charge for information listed in the Publication Scheme. If a request is made for information not in the Scheme, the University will still provide the information free of charge provided the time spent to do so is within the Appropriate Limit in the Freedom of Information Act Fees Regulations. The University will normally not agree with the applicant to provide additional information for a fee.

Honorary Degrees and Fellowships

Search for past recipients of Honorary Awards and Degrees in our People Finder.

Lists and registers

This includes, but is not confined to, information we are currently legally required to hold in publicly available registers.

Asset registers
The Asset Register of the University buildings is incorporated in its infrastructure strategy and the new Estate Management as above.
Disclosure logs
The University has no disclosure logs.
Register of gifts and hospitality provided to senior personnel
The University has not included its register of gifts and hospitality provided to senior personnel in the publication scheme. See the University's Financial Regulations (PDF File 618 KB) and Anti-Bribery Policy (PDF File 58 KB).
Any register of interests kept in the university
Latest Register of Interests of the Board and Executive (PDF File 206 KB) 2012/13

The services we offer

Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters.


Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses can be viewed through our Course Finder. Complete our course enquiry form, find out about research degrees at LSBU or search our CPPD prospectus.

Services for outside bodies

No entries.

Course content

Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses can be viewed through our Course Finder. Visit our Schools and divisions pages for more detail about the character and achievements of the university.

Welfare and counselling

We offer a wealth of information around the areas of welfare and counselling.

Health including medical services

Read about our provision on our Health and Safety website. To find out more call 020 7815 6454 or email


The University has an employability and careers service which is a professional information, advice and guidance service, offering a range of services, free-of-charge, to staff, students and recent graduates. For more information about employability and careers call 020 7815 6454 or email

Chaplaincy services

The chaplaincy team seeks to initiate and support activities within the University for those who want opportunities to pray, worship, study and discuss issues relevant to faith or to explore wider questions of spiritual significance. Find out more by calling 020 7815 6419.

Services the university is entitled to recover a fee for together with those fees

Sports and recreational facilities

All University students are members of International Students House (ISH). ISH is a unique social, cultural and recreational centre in the heart of London open all year round.

Museums, libraries, special collections and archives

London South Bank University has no museum.

Conference facilities

Advice, guidance, local campaigns, opportunities and media releases

Local campaigns

Copyright and the Publication Scheme

Information available through the scheme is protected by copyright of London South Bank University unless otherwise indicated. The information contained in such copyright protected material may be used but not copied, distributed or published in any format or medium. If you use any of the information available through the scheme, or distribute it to others or republish it, you must identify the source of the material and acknowledge its copyright status.

In this section

  • Publication Scheme