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Mayors skills Academies – LSBU Green Skills Hub

The Mayor’s Skills Academies is one of the four project strands under the London Recovery Programme’s Good work for All Mission

What is the LSBU Green Skills Hub?

The LSBU Green Skills Hub is a project under the Mayor’s Skills Academies, funded by the Greater London Authority. We aim to help residents of Lewisham, Lambeth, and Southwark find good jobs in the net zero sectors.

We promote training, mentoring, work placements, and job opportunities in various fields such as:

  • Green construction and Retrofitting
  • Green Transportation
  • Renewable energy
  • Waste management and recycling

Find  jobs and training

Are you a resident of Southwark Lambeth or Lewisham looking for green jobs or training?

  • Discover your passions and explore personalised educational pathways.
  • Unlock job opportunities, apprenticeships, and valuable work experience through our support.
  • Find support to overcome barriers to accessing employment and education opportunities.

Find  jobs and training

Are you a business in the green sector?

Partner with us to share your job opportunities, connect with candidates and upskill your workforce.

Partner with us today


At the end of every quarter, we release a newsletter showcasing hub activities, new courses and job opportunities. Below are some examples of our previously published newsletters.

December 2023 Newsletter

October 2023 Newsletter

July 2023 Newsletter

March 2023 Newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter

Contact us

Please get in touch with our team using the enquiry form below.

By providing your telephone number or email address you are giving us permission to contact you via telephone or email. The data will not be disclosed to any other person or organisation that is not associated with LSBU. Read more about our data protection policy.

Your details:

LSBU Green Skills Hub Linkedin

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