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Consumption, Economics, Education and Wellbeing

About this event series

Part Two of the event series focused on the themes of consumption, economics, education and wellbeing. The consumer market is changing rapidly. There has been a rise of veganism, entire nations are boycotting single use plastic and we are seeing the emergence of the application of circularity in design and production from large corporations and new start-ups alike. The consumer action is fuelled by a rise in eco-anxiety and with businesses response to the scientific data with creative solutions.

Rethinking the structure of the economy to stop environmental damage will be better for the mental-health and wellbeing of all of us and interventions and tools for improving and maintaining these conditions are a key factor in sustainability. Education for sustainable development is at the heart of societal transformation, encouraging individuals, organisations and communities in adopting more sustainable and climate conscious behaviours.

LSBU set out to explore how we could rethink our economy and our consumption patterns to stop environmental damage and to improve the mental-health and wellbeing for all of society. This included an exploration of the impact of the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic.

Our prominent guest speakers included:

  • Dillie Keane
  • IKEAProfessor Jill Atkins
  • Times Higher Education
  • Mental Health Charity Mind
  • Royal Parks
  • Bankside Open Spaces Trust
  • Aja Barber
  • Studio XAG
  • The Sustainable Angle

In the lead-up to the event, we interviewed some of our key speakers asking them about their current role, what they were doing as individuals to tackle issues around sustainability and climate change and their thoughts on the future.  Read the Part Two session speaker interviews here.

There were events in Part Two of the series: Consumption,   Economics & Education,  and Wellbeing. See more detail on the events below.

Keynote speakers

Keynote Address: The Unexamined Action

Expert: Dillie Keane, author of blog ‘Shit You Don’t Need’

Keynote Address – How can we create retail installations that don’t cost the earth?

Expert: Gemma Ruse, Founder & Creative Director at Studio XAG

Panel Discussion: The impact & influence of the fashion world on sustainability & the climate emergency


  • Aja Barber. Writer and influencer is sustainability, ethics, intersectional feminism, racism and buying habits.
  • Paola Masperi. Founder of award-winning fashion brand Mayamiko.
  • Amanda Johnston. Curator and consultant at The Sustainable Angle.

Session lead: Ronke Fashola, Course Director – Fashion Promotion & Marketing and Fashion Buying & Merchandising, LSBU

School: Arts & Creative Industries

LSBU staff

Session: How creativity can replace our need for consumption

Lead: Jasmine Pradissitto, Artist & Visiting Lecturer, LSBU

School: Engineering

Session: Global consumer culture, impulsive buying and money budgeting – who buys more and saves less?

Lead: Barbara Czarnecka, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, LSBU 
School: Business

Session: Is Sustainability Embedded to Business School Curricula?: Initial Findings from a UK wide study
Leads: Grace O'Rourke, Lecturer in Marketing, LSBU and Barbara Czarnecka, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, LSBU 
School: Business

Keynote speakers

Keynote Address: Extinction Governance and Engagement

Expert: Professor Jill Atkins, Chair in Financial Management at Sheffield University, author of ‘The Business of Bees’ and ‘Extinction Governance’

Keynote Address: Embedding the Sustainable Development Goals into LSBU's Group Strategy

Experts: Duncan Ross, Chief Data Officer, Times Higher Education Supplement & Richard Duke, Director of Strategy & Planning, LSBU.

LSBU staff

Session: Spirals, Spikes and Spinning Wheels: Temporal models challenging the sustainability agenda

Lead: Dr. Helen Powell, Course Director, Creative Advertising with Marketing, LSBU

School: Arts & Creative Industries

Session: Embedding sustainability into accounting education – an empirical study at LSBU

Lead: Usha Mistry, Senior Lecturer, LSBU

School: Business

Session: Responsible Futures: Skills and Competencies for University Community Wellbeing and Student Employability

Lead: Alex Misfud, Responsible Futures Project Manager, LSBU

School: Law & Social Sciences

Session: Being bad to do good: using reverse psychology to embed Life Cycle Thinking and knowledge of Sustainable Development Goals in design and engineering curricula


  • Dr Benjamin Lishman, Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, LSBU
  • Professor Elizabeth Newton, Associate Professor of Psychology, LSBU
  • Year 2 Students: Beth Browne, Javane Lawrie, Dimitri McGrath-Karvelis and Zaynab Patel
  • Year 4 Students: Joseph James and Luke Kingham

Lead: Professor Deborah Andrews, Associate Professor in Design, LSBU and CEDaCI project lead

Schools: Engineering & Applied Sciences

Session: A new economics for a post Covid world: how to make the change


  • Dr Sarah Abdaless, Head of Division of Accounting, Finance and Economics , LSBU
  • Mark Winter, Lecturer in Accounting, Finance and Economics, LSBU
  • Dr Chistoph Biehl, Lecturer in Responsible Business, Department of Management, University of Birmingham

Lead: Dr Hugh Atkinson, Distinguished Research Fellow, The Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Solutions, Bristol

Schools: Business, Law & Social Sciences

Session: The contribution of Education for Sustainability to changing patterns of consumption and improving individual well-being


  • Jaya Gajpara, Course Director for Education for Sustainability, LSBU
  • Rolf Jucker, author of blog ‘Sustainability Writings’ and the book ‘Can We Cope with the Complexity of Reality?
  • Paul Maiteny, Ecologist & Psychotherapist plus Lecturer in Education for Sustainability, LSBU

Lead: Dr Glen Strachan, Education for Sustainability Programme, School of Law & Social Sciences, LSBU

School: Law & Social Sciences

Keynote speakers

Keynote address: Managing your wellbeing during COVID-19

Expert: Kerry McLeod, Head of Content (Information), Mind 

Keynote address: IKEA Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle

Expert: Ailen McCreadie, Live Lagom Programme Manager UK&IE, Health and Sustainable Living, IKEA Ltd

Panel Discussion: The impact of gardening & outdoor space on our mental health & wellbeing and how individuals & communities living in urban areas can create green spaces 


  • Mary O’Connell, Head of Parks & Community, Bankside Open Spaces Trust
  • Molly Gadenz, Green Hub Coordinator, Bankside Open Spaces Trust
  • Laura MacMahon, Community Learning Officer, Royal Parks
  • Iain Boutlon, Chair of Trustees, LEEF (London Environmental Educators Forum)

Lead: Jaya Gajpara, Course Director, Education for Sustainability, LSBU

School: Law and Social Sciences

Panel Discussion: Repackaging Christmas: gifts to protect the planet and its people


  • Luke Gaydon, Co-Founder, Terra Neutra
  • Amruta Kshemkalyani, Founder, Sustainability Tribe and #ZeroWasteUAE Social Initiative
  • Wayne Hubbard, Chief Executive Officer, The London Waste and Recycling Board
  • Professor Patrick Callaghan, Dean of the School of Applied Sciences, LSBU

Lead: Thomas Empson, Sustainability Project Manager, LSBU. 

LSBU Staff

Session: You're Not What You Think: How to Manage the Internal Self-Critic

Lead: Dr. Daniel Kolubinski, Psychology Lecturer, LSBU

School: Applied Sciences

Session: Remove clutter, welcome organisation and enjoy a more peaceful and sustainable life at home

Lead: Isabelle Lamy, Decluttering & Home/Office Organisation Expert, IDea for your space

Session: Mental health ecologies: space, design and lived experiences of distress

Lead: Professor Paula Reavey, Professor of Psychology, LSBU

School: Applied Sciences

Session: Lighten up! How daylighting can benefit your wellbeing & the environment

Lead: Zoe De Grussa, Sustainability Engineer and Communications Designer, British Blinds & Shutters Association

School: Engineering

Session: Not My Problem: Recognising and reducing personal risks and harms in alcohol use

Lead: Professor Antony Moss, Professor of Addictive Behaviour Science, LSBU

School: Applied Sciences

Session: Ways you can maintain and sustain your mental health and wellbeing

Lead: Professor Patrick Callaghan, Dean of the School of Applied Sciences, LSBU

School: Applied Sciences

Useful links

Consumption, Economics, Education and Wellbeing programme
(PDF File 108 KB)

Consumption, Economics, Education and Wellbeing practical takeaway guide
(PDF File 647 KB)