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Facilitating Relationship Support for ‘Mixed’ Couples and Families

A project involving London South Bank University examines the issues faced by couples where each member is from a ethnic, racial or religious background

This ESRC funded work is a collaborative project concerned with support for and extending knowledge about quality and stability for couple relationships where each partner is from a different ethnic or racial background, but might also involve faith differences.

The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of their Follow-On Funding Initiative, where the findings from the research that they fund become beneficial in the wider world.

It was set up as a collaboration between academics from the University of Southampton, London South Bank University and the University of Nottingham, and voluntary sector agencies including One Plus One, Intermix, Mix Together and People in Harmony that are concerned with couple and family relationship support and with 'mixed' people and families support respectively.

The project is carried out on behalf of LSBU's Families and Social Capital Research Group.To find out more about this work, contact Elaine Bauer, or search our People Finder for academics researching in this area.