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Isabel Elia - BA (Hons) Game Design and Development

I studied Game Design and Development. I now work at Ubisoft, specifically Massive, in Sweden and my current role is as a Senior Project Coordinator for Audio. What I enjoy most about my job is the people I get to work with.

Where are you from and which course did you choose to study?

I was born and raised in Southeast London, so going to LSBU was a no-brainer. I studied Game Design and Development and graduated in 2022.

Putting my experience to good use

The thing I liked most about my course was the emphasis on actually creating games for our portfolio and the number of modules/game jams, available to do so. Having a complete portfolio of work in the exact field you want to get into was incredibly beneficial, in not only getting myself into the industry but understanding the lifecycle of game production.

Your current role and  what it's like

I now work at Ubisoft, specifically Massive, in Sweden and my current role is as a Senior Project Coordinator for Audio. The thing I am most enjoying about my job is the people I get to work with. I know it sounds cliché, but a huge part of production is working with a talented bunch of passionate individuals and collaborating to create the best possible product in the time available. Also, it’s incredibly cool to say that I make video games!

More than just a degree?

My degree helped me gain the experience I need by encouraging us to take as many opportunities as possible, become incredibly self-motivated to enter into a highly competitive industry and feel impassioned by those who were teaching the subject they loved.

What advice would you give to people thinking about studying at LSBU?

This course is fantastic, and if you apply yourself and take every opportunity available to you, you are bound to succeed. It is incredibly important to find a work-life balance early on though, as you are still at university and should enjoy the lifestyle, as the gaming industry can be stressful, and learning this skill early on will set you up well for your career.


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