Dr. Brahim El Boudani - Lecturer on BSc (Hons) Computer Science and BSc (Hons) Information Technology

Graduates with specialist knowledge of 5G, artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) are in huge demand, and many of our lecturers are pioneers in these fields.

Dr. Brahim El Boudani is a lecturer and researcher, renowned for his expertise in these technologies.

My 5G and AI research is embedded in the Computer Science and Information Technology courses. In the mobile computing module, students acquire the necessary skills required by the job market to become 5G network engineers. During the lab sessions, students learn how to set up and deploy a private 5G network and stream video content over it. The student-led activities involve cutting-edge technologies and applications to enhance students’ employability.

A step into the future of mixed reality.

Using AR/VR applications in 5G networks is a step into the future of mixed reality. In my role as module leader for AR/VR technologies, I use my expertise to help students create immersive applications and host them in a 5G network infrastructure. The module involves lab activities such as: 360 degrees video filming and AR/VR software engineering. These activities equip students with the skills in demand to become AR/VR developers.

The impact of research on the student learning experience can be seen across all courses and years.

One fascinating application of 5G technology is "Positioning as a Service" (PaaS), which uses advanced localisation techniques and real-time data analysis to provide accurate indoor and outdoor navigation. Using my knowledge in this area, I supervise final-year projects where students AI-powered localisation applications for smartphones.

At LSBU, the impact of research on the student learning experience can be seen across all courses and years. From AI-enabled localisation to immersive learning experience, 5G and AI research-powered courses are opening up a world of possibilities for students like you!

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