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Chancery Foundation Bursary recipient Mohamed Warsame on pursuing surveying as a profession

Mohamed Warsame is one of two successful 2021 first round Chancerygate Foundation Bursary recipients. The Chancerygate Foundation Bursary aims to help diversify the UK’s real estate industry. Find out more here.

I was first introduced to quantity surveying by my mother and also my uncle through a close friend who works in the profession. From them, I heard the many rewards of working in the profession through family and professionals. After receiving this guidance, it further increased my interests In pursuing surveying as a profession.

I was inclined towards LSBU as compared to other unis within London for two main reasons. Firstly, it being ranked 1st amongst London modern competitors for overall score in building (Guardian League Table 2021). Secondly a bonus other unis didn't offer and consider was the bursary which The Chancerygate Foundation put in place to give a helping hand to support students from Black African or Black Caribbean backgrounds to give us a platform to build and pursue long term careers within the surveying industry. This made it impossible to say no because it allows me to focus and dedicate my time solely for study and not be diverted by work and thinking how can I pay for my livelihood and fees. It also kept my parents happy, as I'm the second of six siblings going to uni.

Chancerygate Foundation has also provided us with the necessary mentoring sessions and the much needed work experience to get an insight of what's to come after I graduate, which will come in handy once surfing for jobs and adding credit to the bank when it comes to my CV.

Once an opportunity and blessing like this has arrived you have to work smart and to the best of your ability, seeking advice from peers, teachers and professionals to reach aspirations and excel.

My advice to anyone who is doubting themselves in pursuing a career in surveying or in other fields is remember what drove you and motivated you in the first place. And when goodness comes your way you greet it and be thankful.

I am delighted to be part of this journey with many of my peers within the diverse university community, who share the same ambitions and goals.


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