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Branch Brush, Julieta Ose

Serial entrepreneur Julieta, co-creator of Branch Brush, a company selling an all-natural form or oral hygiene, is looking to ‘change the world’ one mouth at a time!

First year School of Business student Julieta Ose is a serial entrepreneur. Together with co-founder Kaydee, she has created Branch Brush, which has been accepted onto LSBU’s Spark programme. Julieta is an Enterprise Ambassador, has represented Student Enterprise at university Open Days and Welcome Week, and is also a proficient keynote speaker, hosting student-led meet-ups.

Setting out to change the world

“Branch Brush is an all-natural form of oral hygiene that is used in aid of toothpaste, floss and the brush head itself. This ancient concept comes from the root of the Salvadoran tree and is known as Miswak,” Julieta says. “The World Health Organisation recognises the Miswak as an effective part of oral hygiene and many of the natural properties found are recommended by the American Dental Association. Coming up with it as a business idea was one of those nights with your best friend when the conversation flows ‘til 4am while snacking on cheese boards and sipping on a bottle of wine... We've all been there. Those times when you decide you're going to change the world and plan out each and every detail but the next morning it's like it never happened. The only thing that was different on this particular day was that we launched Branch Brush that very night. Kaydee and I both have a huge passion for making the world a better place and balance each other perfectly. I see myself more as the business brains while Kaydee brings the creativity and sustainability to the table.”

Exciting times

Julieta says that it´s been incredibly exciting seeing up a company with someone so dear to her. “We have both entered the journey and can’t wait to see what the future holds. I think the best highlight so far is definitely getting on the Spark programme and being given the chance to prove ourselves with awarded finance and office space in the heart of London. We have also just applied to the Mayor’s entrepreneur Competition, which we are really excited to her back from.”

Support to scale the business

Julieta believes that the Spark programme has helped Branch Brush by “surrounding us with like-minded individuals and creating friendships that I honestly believe will last a lifetime. The staff and mentors  have been unbelievably supportive and have helped us with everything and anything they can to help scale the business, such as putting us into contact with the right people.”

Future goals

Looking to steadily grow over the next few years, Julieta and Kaydee want Branch Brush to gain increased market penetration and become an accepted and preferred method for oral hygiene. “We hope to have expanded our range from simply sustainable oral hygiene to sustainable sanitary health products that will be distributed through our partner charities, carrying on our 1-4-1 scheme,” she explains. “We have built solid relationships with experts in a number of field and believe that through collaboration Branch Brush will grow into a sustainable movement of collective products and services rather than a singular product.”

The importance of enterprise

Julieta says that the support from LSBU has meant a huge amount. “It means so much, it puts us in the right direction and gives us motivation when it’s needed the most. I truly believe that it’s the people around us that help us achieve our dreams. Enterprise isn’t just about running a company and being an entrepreneur; it’s about building up the skills and relationships to take the next step in life towards our set goals.”