The Millthorpe Project: Trade Unionist Oral Narrative Project 2009-2011
A unique oral history project which engages the concerns of workers and those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)The Millthorpe Project is a unique oral history one which was conducted in collaboration with a number of labour unions including University College Union.
The research recognises that growing numbers of people have sought to integrate these two sets of concerns into their personal and political lives. While the main aims of the project so far has been the recording of interviews, attention is now being paid to the storing of these interviews in an archive which can be accessible to scholars and activists.
Thus the project recorded and made available the testimonies of LGBT trade unionist though the production and cultivation of an archive; a booklet; exhibition and website.
The project is carried out on behalf of LSBU's Families and Social Capital Research Group.
To find out more about this work, search our People Finder for academics researching in this area.