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Collaborations and partnerships

Staff and students have an excellent track record and reputation for collaborating with a wide range of partners

Good collaboration and partnership is great for all parties. We work with businesses and other academic institutions, and we collaborate at local, national and international level with communities, schools and colleges, social enterprises, NGOs and other charitable organisations.

Our collaborations include:

Collaboration and partnerships benefit all participants, so please contact us to find out more about the ways in which we can work together.

Mutually beneficial international partnerships

Teaching dual awards can be the beginning of a broader partnership.

Philip Lockett, Director of Collaborations

Philip Lockett, Director of Collaborations at London South Bank University, talks about how LSBU's partnership with British University Egypt has evolved:

How would you describe the University's partnership with BUE?
PL: The relationship has become a partnership of equals where we learn much from each other. We are now doing collaborative research, joint course development, staff and student exchange, and we are developing a joint approach to knowledge transfer and enterprise activities with local Egyptian companies.

What are the challenges of operating transnational education (TNE) programmes?
PL: Clearly, operating TNE programmes is not without challenges, and a degree of flexibility is needed to adapt to local market conditions. The biggest challenge was how to recognise the range of dissertations/projects available in the Egyptian system. These ranged from a year-long dissertation requiring a refereed conference or journal paper to a short practically based project. Some of these, for example in the case of the Egyptian Master of Engineering award, did not meet the usual requirements for a UK Master of Science degree, so LSBU is validating a new Masters degree, a Master of Technology, to recognise this form of postgraduate study.