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Nate Gallardo, alumnus, BA (Hons) Sound Design graduate

Nate Gallardo, BA (Hons) Sound Design, was awarded a Prize for Outstanding Achievement in his final year and now works full time as a sound designer at If You Can Company

Nate Gallardo was attracted to the BA (Hons) Sound Design by a combination of the course outline, the facilities available to students on the course, and the reputation of our lecturing staff. "I looked through the course content, which was really important to me," he says. "The units on the degree were the right mix of theory and practical experience, which was a crucial part of my decision. The chance to learn from well-respected lecturers was also really important, as was using the kind of facilities I would be expected to understand in the industry."

Outstanding achievement

Nate enjoyed his studies, and found that the course content and structure suited him very well indeed. "It was an enjoyable period, and I picked up lots of useful skills as well," he says of his time at LSBU. Indeed, Nate performed so well that he was awarded the Art and Media Head of Department's Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Subject during his final year. In particular, he was praised for his work in developing a sophisticated musical game with audio and graphics, as well as a first class dissertation.

Practical skills

Combined with the practical skills he had developed during his studies, the achievement helped Nate's CV to really stand out when it came to securing employment after graduating. He now works full time as a sound designer and developer at If You Can Company. 

"I'm enjoying it there," he says. "We're making a game called "If…", which is an educational iPad game for children and I am finding that I am using the skills I picked up on my course every day." 

LSBU also helped me to create an impressive portfolio that was a big reason for me landing the job in the first place, so my experience at LSBU has certainly been instrumental as I set out on my chosen career path.

Looking to the future

Nate is hopeful that "If…" will become a successful product, but he is already planning for the future and hopes to found his own independent game development company. "I'm really excited to see where my career takes me," he says. "I know that the practical skills I developed on my course have given me a very solid foundation to build on for the future, and the tutors were always encouraging me to work outside of my comfort zone."

I have the skills, confidence and flexibility to deal with whatever is needed from me as a professional sound designer.