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Dynamic partnership with London South Bank University and the V & A proves a hit

Celebrating the launch of an exciting collaboration between LSBU's Centre for Digital Storymaking and the V & A's Digital Arts programmes
24 January 2018

A dynamic two-year partnership between London South Bank University’s (LSBU) Centre for Digital Storymaking and the Victoria & Albert (V&A) Museum’s Digital Programmes, launched on Friday 19 January with an evening of creative performance theatre.

LSBU academics, artists and alumni are set to work together over the next two years with the V&A and Chicago based company ATOM-r, who are renowned for their exploratory performances relayed through the combined media of art, language and emerging technologies.

The launch event at the V&A's Sackler Centre for arts education was supported by a talk from the founders of Atom-r and two academics - theatre-maker Dr Stephen Farrier from the Royal Central School of Speech & Drama (RCSSD) and Professor Rosemary Kilch from the East 15 collective, whose research explores multi-media and queer performance.

An exciting series of events has been planned for the next two years, exploring different aspects of digital performance and design, including collaborations with London Fieldwork art collective, the video game designer Porpentine Charity Heartscape and the LA-based sound art collective, UltraRed.

Dr Elena Marchevska, Director of the Centre for Digital Storymaking at LSBU said:“This is a fantastic opportunity for LSBU to work together with the V&A to show how our researchers are exploring the theme of how art is changing in tandem with digital story-making and the latest technologies.

“This dynamic partnership will bring our artists and researchers into dialogue with a wider audience globally and enhance the V&A’s already great reputation within a new digital arena, as well as creating further opportunities for our students and staff to get more involved with the museum’s programmes and collections.”

Mark Jeffer, Joint Founder of ATOM-r said: “We’re delighted to be able to perform at the V&A with LSBU. We have already been performing in front of diverse audiences in Brighton and London, but this is a great opportunity for us to showcase our performance in a prestigious setting and to a larger global audience.”

Find out more about the V&A partnership launch event.