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Lambert Tshweneetsile, alumnus, Executive Master of Public Administration

Lambert Tshweneetsile soon became aware that the best way to progress his career in the Botswana Government would be to continue his education for life

While working as a military attaché for the Botswana Government, Lambert wanted to further his career. “I wanted to enhance my studies as well as gaining more recognition from my employer,” he says. “I’d heard about LSBU through friends and knew it had a strong reputation globally. That’s why it became my university of choice.”

International reputation

As well as our strong international reputation, Lambert was also attracted by the quality of the staff who deliver the Executive Master of Public Administration degree. “Their professionalism and in-depth knowledge was especially helpful,” he says. “I struck up a great rapport with them, which made learning enjoyable and challenging in new ways. It was a very encouraging experience.”

Diverse course

Lambert also enjoyed the diverse areas that the course covered, along with having the opportunity to work with other universities. “We had the chance to interact with other universities running a similar course during the summer school,” he says. “It involved a number of other universities, and was probably my favourite thing about the course.”

Career development

Lambert feels that what he learned during his time at LSBU has helped him to develop his career. “I’m now a Deputy Director of Special Operations in the Botswana Defence Force,” he says. “I’m also at a War College in Tanzania, and I’m studying for a Master’s degree at a university in the same country.”

Strategic level

Lambert feels that his qualification has helped him in a number of different ways. “My job exposes me to a lot of diverse sections of the population, and the course has helped me to deal with and communicate about many different issues at strategic level,” he says.

Analyse issues

“I’m able to analyse issues at a more strategic level than I could before, which gives me an advantage at work,” Lambert says. “It’s taught me about changing styles in public management theory, and how to apply them within my new role. I particularly enjoyed the integrative management and change module, which taught me many things I still rely on today.”

Positive experience

With such a positive experience under his belt, it is little surprise to discover that Lambert is an advocate of life-long learning. “It’s never too late to start,” he says. “A challenged and active mind is not only healthy but helps you to develop diverse approaches to issues.”

The sky is the limit

As a result of his time at LSBU, Lambert feels that he is ready for whatever the future may hold for him. “The sky is the limit,” he says. “I feel as though I can achieve anything, because the course gave me the knowledge I needed and the confidence to apply it.”