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Donmicit Rimdap, MSc Development Studies, direct application

A last-minute decision to pursue a postgraduate degree took Donmicit Rimdap out of full-time employment

Having previously studied Economics and Social Policy, Donmicit decided she wanted to gain a better understanding of issues within the development field. Her first step was to research universities that met her requirements and this led her to discovering LSBU's excellent reputation for social research. Our enviable location in the heart of London was another positive in helping Donmicit make her final decision.

"I wanted a change of career and the opportunity to understand development issues on a deeper level," says Donmicit. "My particular area of interest is human rights in the developing world. It's always been a passion of mine – to give back to the community and the less privileged and to also help women feel empowered."

Direct entry helps avoid the deadlines

Donmicit missed the deadline to apply earlier that year but was adamant she didn't want to wait another year to start university. So she applied directly to LSBU. Although unfamiliar with the process, she was pleased with the overall experience, and in particular with the University staff's level of knowledge and patience.

"Having the opportunity to apply directly to the University while it was in Clearing was an excellent opportunity that enables individuals to apply to university regardless of missing the initial deadline. The staff handled me in a very professional manner, guiding me throughout the entire process." Donmicit has enjoyed the challenges of studying here and is hoping to continue her studies by progressing to PhD level while working with charities that deal with global development issues. 

For Donmicit, the best thing about studying at LSBU is that "LSBU helps students settle into university life by supporting them academically as well as offering a multicultural social environment. The lecturers are well structured, taught by experienced academics, and students are offered extra support on essay writing techniques."