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Alexandra Minnis, BSc (Hons) Criminology

Attracted by life in the capital, Alexandra Minnis is loving life at LSBU and believes the University is the perfect place to help her achieve all her future goals

After studying Psychology at A-Level, Alexandra Minnis developed an interest in the criminal mind, which led her to her choice of degree. “I knew I wanted to work in the criminal justice system somehow and thought Criminology would not only be an appropriate degree for career opportunities but also a really fascinating course to study for three years,” she says.

The pull of the capital (and doughnuts!)

Living and working in London during her gap year after A-levels meant that Alexandra was well acquainted with the capital and so LSBU appeared on her radar. “I always wanted to experience living on my own in the capital city and thought it was best to do this whilst I am a student with fewer responsibilities. I love going on walks in the daytime (always avoiding rush hour) and late at night, looking at the amazing buildings and landmarks in the city. I also am a fan of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and love the fact that there are plenty more stalls here in London than there are in Liverpool!

“LSBU’s Criminology course was far more interesting than what was offered at other universities and, of course, the location is amazing. For Criminology students particularly, with the Inner London Crown Court being around the corner, LSBU’s campus is the perfect spot. As a result of all this, the decision to choose LSBU became quite an easy one.

Since being here I’ve found that LSBU definitely has a strong focus on employability and I hope that the services provided will help me achieve my goal of potentially working in the city, alongside having completed a very good degree.

“I would love to work in so many different areas of the criminal justice system, whether that be in prisons, for the Metropolitan Police Service, the probation service or even pursuing a career in law. What I like about the lecturers that we have at LSBU is their field knowledge and the fact that they are all constantly researching. They all come from varying backgrounds and add something different to the subject matter and how it is delivered.”

Getting involved outside the lecture room

Alexandra currently helps to run the Criminology Society along with two fellow students. “We work incredibly hard together to organise an event every week that appeals to Criminology students’ interests. This includes employability events where we organise external speakers to attend and give their advice about different careers and Jack the Ripper walks. There is also an upcoming event involving four ex-offenders speaking about how a criminal record is a life sentence. I really enjoy being a part of the Society, as the fun activities complement what we learn in lectures.

I have also continued to volunteer throughout my studies with a charity called PSS, based in Liverpool, where I work with children whose parents have been or are in prison. I have been working with PSS for nearly three years within the Family Impact team and I love it. Being able to have a positive impact on a family that are going through one of the most difficult times in their lives is an honour. I joined this organisation as I am strong believer that families of prisoners are suffering under the radar and that many are unsung heroes.”

The perfect platform to achieve her goals

With her future goal to work within the criminal justice system in some capacity, Alexandra believes that her studies and time at LSBU offer the perfect preparation for this. “I believe LSBU will help me achieve my goals through the modules that they offer. The Criminology course encompasses all areas within social sciences, and so we are able to form well-rounded opinions on issues within politics, statistics, law, psychology, the role of the media and sociology.”