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Footsteps in the Fog: meaningful patterns in footfall and conversion data

About this event

Date: 14 October 2021 - 14 October 2021
Location: Find us on MSTeams, every Thursday from 12-1 pm for the formal part. We continue informally until 2 pm for those who want to network, or sometimes workshops will run for the full two hours. Bring your lunch or coffee and a sharp mind.
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Event Name Footsteps in the Fog: meaningful patterns in footfall and conversion data
Start Date Oct 14, 2021 12:00 pm
‘ResearchToday!’ is a research seminar series featuring the breadth of research in the Business School, and is a forum to foster the collaboration and exchange among interested colleagues.

This week's seminar presentation will be given by PhD student Kamran Khan. To give you a taste of the session, a brief abstract can be found below: Over the next twelve months or so, Kamran Khan is working with a major international retailer to collect large volumes of comparative footfall and conversion data across a range of brands and location types in the UAE. His work is part of his doctoral study to replicate and strengthen new empirical generalisations in consumer behaviour with managerial relevance for bricks and mortar shopkeepers. In this seminar Kamran will discuss the study design and method, some available alternatives, and the early pitfalls that emerged, alongside some encouraging indicative findings that have already had an impact on store performance.

These weekly events are hosted by the London Centre for Business and Entrepreneurship Research during term time, and organised by Professor Karin Moser, Director of Research in the School of Business

All are welcome and no registration is required. If you are external to the University, please email us so we can inform our reception desk to expect you. Email: