Central Bank Credibility and the Exchange Rate

About this event

Date: 25 November 2021 - 25 November 2021
Location: Online via Microsoft Teams
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Price: Free
Organiser: Professor Karin Moser, Director of the London Centre for Business and Entrepreneurship Research (LCBER)
Event Name Central Bank Credibility and the Exchange Rate
Start Date Nov 25, 2021 12:00 pm
End Date Nov 25, 2021 2:00 pm
Duration 2 hours

‘ResearchToday!’ is a research seminar series that shows the width of research in the Business School, and is a forum to foster the collaboration and exchange among interested colleagues. We meet weekly during teaching term times.

This week's seminar presentation will be given by Senior lecturer Dr Christina Anderl. To give you a taste of the session, a brief abstract can be found below:

Central bank credibility is considered to be of upmost importance for the success of the inflation targeting regime. The increasing popularity of inflation targeting as a monetary policy framework requires an evaluation of its wider implications on the economy compared to alternative monetary regimes. Using three different measures of central bank credibility I study their influence on the exchange rate parities for five inflation targeting countries, and comparatively for three non-targeting countries. It is found that the exchange rate is quicker to adjust to international goods and asset market equilibria when central bank credibility is high and when the central bank is expected to implement policies which adhere closer to the inflation target. This effect is more pronounced in inflation targeting countries than in non-targeting countries, therefore lending support to the importance of central bank credibility for the wider success of the inflation targeting regime.

Who can attend?

Anyone interested can attend! As long we run the seminars virtually during the Covid19 pandemic, you need to email to be added to the ResearchToday! MSteams group.

Once the seminars run again as face to face event, you can just roll up if you are from LSBU, no registration is needed. If you are external to the university, please send us an email to let us know you will be joining us, and we will inform our reception desk to expect you/send you the link for the virtual seminars during Covid19.

Contact and further information: Research Manager for LSBU Business School, email: