Is Big Data Transforming the Way we Do Science?

‘ResearchToday!’ is a seminar series that shows research from the Business School, and is a forum to foster the collaboration among colleagues

About this event

Time: All day
Event Name Is Big Data Transforming the Way we Do Science?
Start Date May 9, 2019 12:00 pm
End Date May 9, 2019 1:00 pm
Duration 1 hour

Interested guests are always welcome, from within or outside of the university! No registration is needed if you are internal, please just join us. If you are external to the University, please just send us an email to let us know you will be joining us, and we will inform our reception desk to expect you. Contact and further information: Research Manager for the School of Business, email:

This week's seminar presentation will be given by Dr Rana Tajvidi, Lecturer in Digital Marketing in the School of Business at LSBU. To give you a taste of the session, a brief abstract can be found below:

This study provides a new perspective on the effect of social media use in SMEs. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of social media on firm performance with mediating role of marketing capabilities in the UK, hotel industry. In this research, a structural equation modelling method has been employed for data analysis. The survey data has been collected by mail survey from a sample of 384 hotels in the UK. Results from the data analysis demonstrate the positive and significant relationship between social media use and firm performance. However, the findings highlighted that marketing capabilities, namely branding and innovation, positively and significantly mediate the association between social media use and firm performance.

Though the event finishes at 1pm, there will be an informal discussion continues until 2pm for those who wish to stay.