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Open borders in Europe: current challenges from migration and from terrorism … working towards solutions

Join us for an insightful and engaging discussion on the theme of challenges and solutions relating to migration and threats from terrorism in Europe

About this event

Time: All day
Event Name Open borders in Europe: current challenges from migration and from terrorism … working towards solutions
Start Date Jun 26, 2019 12:45 pm
End Date Jun 26, 2019 5:30 pm
Duration 4 hours and 45 minutes

This event, hosted by LSBU's Division of Law, is part of an EU funded Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project, INSPIRED, which focuses on education about issues arising from migration to and within the EU.

The event is open to all, whether they teach, practise or research in this area including members of the public who would like to know more. There will be some short presentations and plenty of opportunities for discussions.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Provisional programme

12.45pm:    Arrival and registration

1pm:          Lunch

1.30pm:      Welcome and opening speeches

2pm:           Keynote speakers

3.30pm:      Refreshments and networking

4pm            Keynote speakers

5.30pm:     Conference ends

6pm:          Book launch: ‘Citizenship, Nation-Building and Identity: The Contribution of Erasmus Student Mobility’ by Cherry James

7pm:           Close

Confirmed speakers and subjects

Alexandra Varga LL.B, BCL, OISC LEVEL 1 UK Immigration and Nationality Law Advisor & EU Immigration Specialist at Sable International - Does Article 34 of the 2016 Frontex Regulation offer adequate protection of the non-refoulement principle?

Jorn Van Rij, PhD, Senior Researcher and Intelligence office of the Dutch Police - How the use of modern day technologies can be used within predictive policing strategies to tackle transnational organised crime.Khalid Khedri, LLM, PhD candidate, University of Birmingham - Viewing terrorism through the concept of Sovereignty. 

Markella Papadouli, Europe Litigation Coordinator, The AIRE Centre; LSBU, Lecturer in EU asylum law and policy - Migration and organised crime: the impact on search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean.

Tim Burton, LLM  - Terrorism and Human Rights: A Recalibration?

Tim Welch, Barrister - An introduction to post 9/11 anti- terrorism measures and corresponding authorities