William Dittrich - RXCEL

Tell us about your business.
RXCEL aims to help streamline the medication distribution process in hospitals to improve efficiency resulting in reduced errors, improved work environment for healthcare workers, and money saved by healthcare providers.
What is the problem or need you are looking to address and how does your business idea meet this need?
Current medication distribution processes are prone to human error. This problem is exacerbated by under-staffing issues which lead to fatigued healthcare workers and increased error rates.
What inspired your idea and business?
I have healthcare workers in my family and during my final year, my girlfriend, who is a nurse, did bedside nursing and experienced the named problems first hand which impacted her quality of life. Her insight into the inner workings of the system and first-hand experience prompted me to look for where realistic improvements can be made in the system.
What has been the best part of your entrepreneurial journey?
The pursuit of this project has allowed me to gain knowledge that extends outside the scope of my degree with me having to learn electrical and software engineering to be able to design hardware and software in the initial prototypes.
What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs just starting their journey?
Understand that regardless of the outcome, the experience and knowledge gained along the way is invaluable to your career.
What support would be most beneficial for your business at this stage? What are you looking for help on?
There are many areas in this project that require specialist knowledge to be able to bring such a medical device to market. That is why I am actively seeking specialists who can help with these tasks. In addition to that, funding is also a major component of realising such a project.
Where can we find more information about your business?
The website is currently not complete however RXCEL.com where you can find information soon.