Felly Tshidibi Tshimanga - FELLY MODE

Tell us about your business.

My business, FELLY MODE, will give women the joy and peace of mind of having a dress made to measure that fits around their curves that most clothes in the shops do not provide.

What is the problem or need you are looking to address and how does your business idea meet this need?

The main problem in the shop is that they have standards sizes. Most real women do not have standards sizes. For example, a woman can be size 12 waist, hips size 16 and chest size 14. Or vice versa. This kind of woman will need me, FELLY MODE, to help make a dress that will fit her as she will not find that type of dress as described above in the shop.

What inspired your idea and business?

What inspired me was the fact that most of my customers will come to me to reduce a dress size around the waist or hips or around the chest. I discovered that this was a serious problem needing solution that FELLY MODE was able to solve.

What has been the best part of your entrepreneurial journey?

The best part of my entrepreneurial journey was going through six weeks training with Start-Up London as a South Bank Ignite participant. I discovered how I could enhance my business and aligned it to meet the needs of the correct target. From this training, I designed a system to help me monitor my ups and down. I am ready to pivot if needs be.

What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs just starting their journey?

Do not give up when facing adversities. Rather find a mentor or an appropriate training to increase your knowledge around your business.

What support would be most beneficial for your business at this stage?  What are you looking for help on?

Financial support will benefit my business the most. I also need help to set up a physical shop in North London.


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