Register for our next Open Day

Asim Qamar Malik - Donatio

Tell us about your business.

Giving a common platform to donors, charities, and recipients through an app where we can trace the funds with wallet-like features.

What is the problem or need you are looking to address and how does your business idea meet this need?

Lots of charity funds (40 percent) are being used for administrative cost and campaign cost marketing; we aim to cut down that cost by providing a common platform while also promoting transparency where donors’ money gets to deserving end of society via charity organisation.

What inspired your idea and business?

Fraud exposed as per Forbes where they uncovered 402 cases with millions of pounds of embezzlement of funds by charity organisation.

What has been the best part of your entrepreneurial journey?

Connecting new minds.

What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs just starting their journey?

Never give up!

What support would be most beneficial for your business at this stage? What are you looking for help on?

Our project is in initial planning and development, but would need funds for marketing etc.


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