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Alumus Sarah Allen on her desire to return to education

On deciding back in 2010 to return to education, Sarah took a Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business and gained a distinction. Buoyed by her success and ambitious for more, she decided to go for a degree.

Personal growth

"My continuous desire for self-improvement led to my decision to go to university. I'm very proud of re-entering education again and achieving my HND but I wasn't content with just achieving my HND. I wanted to progress to the next level and get a degree to give me the added extra edge needed when pursuing the job you really want."

 "I try to learn something new from every experience because I believe there is always room for self-improvement both personally and professionally. That's the reason I returned to college and then went on to university to complete my degree. Travelling to London was a great experience for me and I feel it's a great achievement to have completed my degree with London South Bank University (LSBU).

The course content

There were two main aspects that attracted Sarah to study at LSBU. The first was following on with the Project Management study from her HND and the second was the great and central location LSBU has in London. Sarah had never been to London before and thought it would be a great experience to study here.

"I have had an amazing experience studying at LSBU. Each module of the course has been delivered in complete excellence with up-to-date teaching facilities and all lecturers delivered high quality teaching. I had the great experience of working with Dr Gary Bell throughout my time at LSBU and found him to be a truly inspirational teacher. I was privileged to work with him as my supervisor on my dissertation and I am thankful for the time and effort he dedicated to me.

Sarah found the module on Risk Management very interesting as she took part in a real life crisis simulation and found it an exceptional learning technique.

Just the beginning

Sarah is extremely proud of completing her dissertation and is now working with Dr Gary Bell on turning it into a journal or conference paper. Sarah explains, "I am currently starting to turn my dissertation into a conference paper. Then I would like to apply for a graduate job back home in Ireland where I would like to work in areas of a business which have project management duties in the role.

LSBU have offered Sarah CV building and career advice to help her achieve a graduate job. For Sarah, the best thing about studying at LSBU was the overall great experience she achieved from studying here, carrying out real life projects and participating in real life scenarios. "The highlight of studying at LSBU was my dissertation. I thoroughly enjoyed completing it and am very proud that I developed my own business strategy and project management model. LSBU is a great place to study and lecturers go above and beyond to provide help needed to take the vital steps towards achieving your goals."


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