LSBU Group Newsletter

Our values and mission

Our Values

As a Group we adhere to five core values:

  • Excellence: we are known for working to a high standard and providing a quality service to all;
  • Professionalism: everyone takes personal accountability and responsibility, leads by example and inspires others;
  • Integrity: we communicate with transparency and respect, creating a working and learning environment based on trust;
  • Inclusivity: we celebrate being a diverse and vibrant community, where there are no barriers to inclusion and where we view the differences between people as a source of strength;
  • Creativity: we are innovative, generating ideas and opportunities that are useful in solving problems and enhancing the reputation of the University.

lots of students in lecture

Our Mission

Our mission is to be recognised for:

Transforming lives, communities, businesses and society through applied education and insight. 

At the heart of the LSBU Group is high quality applied professional and technical education. We underpin this with first class happy female sports studentacademic insight – applied research and knowledge exchanges, which provide valued knowledge to employers and currency to the teaching and student experience we offer.

The content and delivery of our education is based on a detailed understanding of what employers expect and built around the personal and career needs and ambitions of our educational partners – whether we call them pupils, learners, students or clients.

Our civic mission means that our work is place-based, whether that place is our home in south London, or around our multi-touch international partnerships. Our courses, research and other activities are informed by our detailed understanding of local needs, and our international links provide global context.

We work collaboratively with our students, employers and a wide range of organisations – educational, civic, governmental, public, private and voluntary – locally, nationally and internationally.

We work professionally, consistently providing high quality customer service and outcomes to our students and to our civic, funding and knowledge exchange partners.

We work ambitiously, providing wide-ranging and high-quality support to our students, employees and partners enabling them to achieve their fullest career and personal potential.

We work innovatively, insightfully and sustainably, anticipating and preparing for a changing world; making sure we secure the resources we need to achieve our current and future objectives.

Our mission will be delivered by achieving four strategic pillars:

Access to opportunity
Our learning and support pathways will create societal change.
We will provide high quality applied education - with a focus on professional and technical programmes - for all who can benefit.
Student success
Our educational framework will empower our students for future success.
We will offer personalised high-quality applied education, professionally delivered, flexibly available, digitally enhanced, employment focused, and enterprise informed.
Real world impact
Our teaching, research and enterprise will deliver outstanding impact locally and further afield.
We will be recognised as a vital resource for our teaching, research, knowledge exchange, enterprise activities and community engagement.
Fit for the future
Our organisation will transform to ensure it thrives.
Our high quality professional and technical education will provide employers with the well-educated and workplace-ready employees they need.

lots of people at graduation

Our high quality professional and technical education will provide employers with the well-educated and workplace-ready employees they need.

We will operate as:

  • One Organisation: a Group strategy and operating framework driven from the centre; with Group members focused on excellent academic delivery, and professional functions providing consistently high quality services across the Group;
  • Customer Centred: with professional staff delivering clearly articulated services at agreed high standards for our students, employees and stakeholders;
  • Accountable: with clearly identified and accepted responsibilities for performance and processes and delegated authority wherever possible;
  • Efficient: with streamlined and affordable processes and functions;
  • Effective: with an embedded culture of achievement driving continuously improving delivery based on assured and clear data.

The information in this newsletter article is intended for LSBU Group staff only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied in this article, London South Bank University cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.