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Kalon Nelson, student, BA (Hons) Marketing with Advertising and Digital Communications

Kalon Nelson, BA (Hons) Marketing with Advertising and Digital Communications student shares his experience at LSBU.

Kalon Nelson, BA (Hons) Marketing with Advertising and Digital Communications student shares his experience at LSBU.

What do you like about your course?

I like that this course gives you a great insight into the world of marketing as well as the lecturer’s dedication to helping their students succeed.

I also like that on a lot of our modules we have guest speakers who bring great knowledge and experiences to the class. This gives me a chance to have questions answered and also the best opportunities to network.

Why did you choose to study Marketing with Advertising and Digital Communications?

Prior to choosing this course I had completed an online Social Media Marketing HND and was keen to know more.

What drew you to LSBU?

For many years I had contemplated whether university was the place for me and after many years of working and entrepreneurship, I found my development and progression could use something new to push success. Having dabbled in marketing before with my previous businesses, I felt this course would be great. After looking at the background of the university for business and also talking to some friends who had been attending the university on different courses, assuring me the environment of the university was welcoming and as it was not too far from home I thought LSBU was the best fit.

What is life at LSBU like for you – what do you enjoy?

Life at LSBU has been great so far. I have joined the African and Caribbean society, also known as ACS, which allowed me to make friends and have a connection with students from various universities. I have been a Course Rep for the Marketing with Advertising and Digital Communications course, and this has allowed me to show great leadership skills working alongside my Co-Course Rep Maia Hazell, attending course board meetings and providing feedback to improve the overall course. I enjoy the events the university host such as the CIM marketing events I’ve attended many and made great strides with networking staying in contact with the hosts and others I've met at these.

Looking to the future

What are your goals for the rest of your degree/ work?

I plan on finishing my degree as I feel I have much more to learn yet. As for work, I plan on experiencing various marketing roles in multiple industries as I would like to add value where I can and use the knowledge, I gain to eventually open a successful marketing firm.

What advice would you give to someone considering Marketing at LSBU?

I would say learn all that is possible and add value where you can!

I’d like to thank two of my Marketing tutors, Helen Aston and Nicola Hayes for their constant support and great opportunities as well as great advice.

Read more about BA (Hons) Marketing with Advertising and Digital Communications.