Complementary therapy provision for people with HIV disease
This project was an independent evaluation of the provision of complementary therapies at a community HIV clinic in Northwest LondonIt included a systematic literature review, qualitative feedback from staff and clients and retrospective analysis of medical record data. The results were very positive and will be used to inform future commissioning decisions.
Project details
The project was carried out in 2013 by academics from the School of Health and Social Care who are conducting research under the theme of Health and Social Care Delivery. The funding body for this project is Brent Primary Care Trust. Members of the project team from LSBU include Prof Nicola Robinson and Dr Ava Lorenc. To find out more about other academics search our People Finder.
Two papers resulting from this work have been published in Aids Patient care and Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2013; 27(9):503-10. DOI:10.1089/apc.2013.0175 and in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice DOI: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2013.10.003.