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LSBU Law Division shortlisted for LawWorks and Attorney General Student Awards

London South Bank University’s (LSBU) Law Division has been shortlisted for the prestigious LawWorks & Attorney General Student Awards 2016
26 April 2016

UPDATE: LSBU’s team was highly commended in the category ‘Best Contribution by a Law School’ by Attorney General Jeremy Wright MP at the tenth annual LawWorks and Attorney General's Student Pro Bono Awards ceremony.

Student Clinic Volunteer and a third-year law student Claire Bradford said: “I have really enjoyed volunteering at the Legal Advice Clinic this term.

“I have gained confidence in dealing with the public, in addition to learning about a variety of complex and diverse legal matters. I feel that the experience has been worthwhile and one that I would recommend to all law students who would like the opportunity to challenge themselves and help members of the public, whilst enhancing their legal knowledge.”

Alan Russell, Senior Lecturer in the Law Division, said: “Many congratulations to the whole team! This is the second time in three years that we’ve been highly commended for this award. We’re very pleased, especially as we were in competition with so many other worthy causes and great institutions.” 

Original article

The high-profile national awards recognise outstanding contributions by universities and students in the provision of pro bono (free) legal work for their local communities.

The Law Division has been nominated in  the ‘Best Contribution by a Law School’ category; in particular the nomination recognises the great work being done in the:

  • LSBU Legal Advice Clinic
  • LSBU Lambeth County Court Help Desk
  • LSBU Street Law Project

The Legal Advice Clinic offers free face-to-face legal advice to the local community in all areas of social welfare law and specialist advice in housing, employment and family, and has helped more than 2000 clients since it opened in September 2011.

The Clinic is staffed by 41 law student volunteers who are supervised by several university-employed practising lawyers. The Clinic is also supported by solicitors at local law firms, Philcox Gray, Wainwright Cummins and Anthony Gold.

The Lambeth County Court Help Desk is staffed by 48 law student volunteers and 10 law student volunteers work on Street Law. These projects are also supported and supervised by lawyers in the Law Division.

The Law Division will go up against 5 other universities in the same category, and The Attorney General, Jeremy Wright QC MP, will present the awards to the winning students at a ceremony being held at the Terrace Pavilion, House of Commons on Thursday 28th April.

Alan Russell, LSBU's Senior Lecturer in Law Division, said: "We’re very pleased to have been shortlisted for this award.

"Our clinical legal education work is already nationally and internationally recognised for its pioneering ‘drop-in’ approach.

“To be recognised by the Attorney General & LawWorks is a testament to the fantastic work of all the students, staff and external partners who contribute to all our clinical projects."

The Law Division is taking part in the annual London Legal Walk on Monday 16 May 2016 to raise funds for cash strapped  Law Centres and other free advice agencies in London, including our own Legal Advice Clinic. Email Alan Russell to get involved or go directly to the fundraising page.