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Enabling engineers to become more entrepreneurial

NPI from LSBU launch a new online course in partnership with the IET
19 September 2019

The Nathu Puri Institute (NPI) for Engineering and Enterprise from the School of Engineering have launched a new online course entitled ‘Entrepreneurial Skills for Engineers’ in partnership with the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET).

The course, which is available through the IET Academy, aims to equip people within the engineering community with the skills to innovate and become more entrepreneurial. The course covers a variety of topics, from developing successful businesses, creating engaging marketing and financial strategies and how to harness research and technology, through to developing ideas and designs, leading winning teams as well as managing innovation and continuous improvement projects.

Commenting on the launch of the online course, Professor Simon Philbin, Director of the NPI, said: “We are delighted to have partnered with the IET to deliver this online course for engineers who are looking to become more innovative and entrepreneurial. Our hope is that the course will provide the skills and knowledge that engineers can use as part of the entrepreneurial journey to develop innovative ideas right through to new products and businesses”.

Martin Davies, Head of Digital Learning from the IET, added: “At the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) we understand that as new technologies emerge and markets become more competitive, it is essential that engineers develop the skills to operate in an innovative and entrepreneurial way and we are delighted to have worked with LSBU on this unique online course for engineers”.

The course team from LSBU includes Professor Simon Philbin, Thomas Empson, Robin Jones, Paul Mansell, Pavan Kumar Sala, Sunita Selvarajan and Mausam Gaurav.

View the course online

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