Creative festival celebrates students' pandemic resilience

02 August 2021

Acknowledging the huge challenges faced by their students this year and to make up for opportunities missed during lockdown, the School of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) put on a Festival of Creativity in June to showcase student work and provide learning opportunities.

“We just really wanted to celebrate the amazing work that students had managed to produce this year and we wanted an opportunity to bring everyone together to celebrate their hard work and their resilience,” Dr Jenny Owen, Dean of the School of Arts and Creative Industries commented.

You can catch up on many of the events featured in the festival here:

Graduation and end of year shows for the creative technologies on campus

Photography graduate show at the Copeland Gallery in Peckham

Film screenings and awards at the BFI

Also popular were employability workshops and industry expert panel discussions, drama workshops with Frantic Assembly and the Lyric Hammersmith, drama end of year performances,  ‘Make a Film in a Day’ cross-course collaborative projects, headshots for final year Drama students and a fun ‘graduation’ cut-out for the Class of 2021.

Much bigger than in previous years, the festival provided an opportunity for students to meet up on  campus in a socially distanced manner, as well as online, and to view each other’s work, gain employability skills and take stock of all they’d achieved. The school hope to do something similar again for future years.