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Developing Healthier Nursing Students

This project will investigate the impact of a training programme on health and lifestyles on student nurses' health status and self-reported lifestyle

'Making Every Contact Count' (MECC) is an NHS initiative to encourage frontline workers to initiate conversations with patients based on behaviour change methodologies.

Impact on their practice will be evaluated in referrals to smoking cessation or weight management programmes and video diaries of placement observations.

The project commenced in 2013 and is due to complete in 2016. It has been carried out by academics from our School of Health and Social Care who are carrying out research under the theme of Workforce Innovation, Development and Education. LSBU staff member Prof Jane Wills is the sole researcher on this project. To find out more about this academic, search our People Finder.

The funding body for this project is the C3 with Burdett's Foundation.