Visual 'e-exhibition'

This is a visual ‘e-exhibition’ of the collective ethnographies (which include comics, photo-journaling, symbolic objects and collaging)

This project will recruit 3 women STEM academics at different stages of their careers as co-researchers to co-produce a collective ethnography (Pahl, 2016) of women’s experiences of building STEM careers (Lipton and Crimmins 2019).

Each co-researcher will use photo-journaling (Barton et al 1993), symbolic objects (Kendall, 2016) collaging (Butler-Kisber and Poldma, 2010) to create an ‘auto-ethnography’ that explores their own experiences and context. Autoethnography combines elements of autobiography (using hindsight to write retroactively and selectively about past experiences) and ethnography (studying cultural beliefs and practices through being a participant observer) to facilitate understanding of that culture for insiders and outsiders (Ellis et al., 2011: 274).

Auto-ethnographies will then be brought together to build a ‘collective ethnography’. The analysis that emerges from this action will provide new insights into women’s experiences and will generate at set of recommendations for change. This work will generate a number of outputs including a visual ‘e-exhibition’ which will feature on this page of the STEM-POWER website.