Project objectives and design

Learn more about the project objectives, design, strategies and proposed impact

The core aim of MGEMS will be achieved through 4 key objectives:

  1. Mapping the existing research literature to create a touchstone reference point for teacher educators, new and existing teachers that frames their learning and ensures learning is evidence based;
  2. Generating new teacher education activities, resources and materials that deliver the stated aim of MGEMS through engaging teachers with innovative, creative and student-centred activities;
  3. Building a knowledge exchange website and e-resource that provides free access to all MGEMS activities, resources, materials and project assets and outputs and supports knowledge exchange and replication of the work in new contexts and with new audiences;
  4. Sustaining practice change and momentum through establishment of an MGEMS community of practice network that brings together role models, peer mentors and critical friends across Vietnam and the UK to support ongoing capacity and capability building;

Project design

The different stages of the project include:

Phase 1 – The kick-off symposium willbring together researchers, practitioners and interested stakeholders to ‘map’ the field of gender equalities in school teacher education in Vietnam. This mapping will refer to the policy context, research literature and ‘grey’ literature and will be used to develop research-informed teacher education resources.

Phase 2 – Generating – Piloting - Evaluating. During the generating workshop in London, resources, materials and learning activities will be developed. It will include practice share, exploration of LSBU teacher training programmes and visits to local schools to explore practical approaches to promoting gender equality. The resources, materials and learning activities developed will be piloted and trialled with target audience in HCMEUE and DU. A workshop at HCMCUE will follow the piloting stage whereby the review of piloting and practice will be shared, and HCMCUE teacher training programmes will be explored. It will include visits to local schools to explore practical approaches to promoting gender equality.

Phase 3 – Building. During the workshop at BSC, the activities, resources and materials will be finalised and be ready for production. The final production of activities, materials, resources will be uploaded to the project webpage.

Project impact

MGMES will produce a new online ‘resource bank’ and support package activities that can be accessed and recontextualized by teacher educators in any context to support new teachers to explore and challenge their beliefs and values and develop critical pedagogies that promote gender equalities;

MGEMS will deliver:

  • a touchstone review of the existing evidence base;
  • a website and online ‘resource bank’ of innovative, creative, student-centred activities that support new teachers to explore and challenge their beliefs and values and develop critical pedagogies that promote gender equalities;
  • e-case studies illustrating use of resources and outcomes in practice;
  • an MGEMS Community of Practice (CoP) that provides ongoing peer to peer support for teacher educators and new teachers, and which sustains the impact of MGEMS beyond the end of the project;
  • co-produced academic paper presented to IPDA International Conference November 2024.