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Architecture events

We run a variety of exhibitions, symposiums, and community and student events throughout the academic year to enhance the student experience and showcase our expertise. Here’s a snapshot of events that have taken place in 2022/23.

Public events and symposiums

Thursday 23 February 2023: Digital Heritage Symposium – Recording Full-Site Value with Prof. Igea Troiani

This event at the LSBU Hub was organised by Prof. Igea Troiani (LSBU), Associate Prof. Rikke Munck Petersen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) and Prof. Hugh Campbell (University College Dublin, Ireland). The symposium considered ways of recording undervalued and difficult sites using a variety of digital media.

Guest speakers included:

  • Prof. Rosa Tamborrino (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
  • Jacob Kirkegaard (Denmark)
  • Prof. Richard J Williams (Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland)

Thursday 30 March 2023: Le Corbusier’s Models of Worldmaking

Thursday 30 March 2023: Le Corbusier’s Models of Worldmaking

Held at the Keyworth Centre at LSBU, this symposium celebrated an exhibition of more than 150 models Le Corbusier built and unbuilt projects proposed for 13 countries.

Guest speakers reflected on the works in relation to their ethical, socially aware and ecologically just practices. Speakers included:

  • Prof. Alan Powers (London School of Architecture, UK)
  • Prof. Tim Benton (Open University, UK)
  • Rene Tan (RT+Q Architects, Singapore)
  • Layton Reid (University of West London, UK).

To coincide with the symposium, LSBU held an exhibition of Le Corbusier models from 21 March – 6 April.

Saturday 3 June 2023: London Festival of Architecture Common Gardens Dialogue with Ioana Petrova and Valerio Massaro

As part of the London Festival of Architecture, we held two public events in collaboration with Loughborough Farm. The events built upon the research work of BA (Hons) Architecture students and investigated ways to rethink design as a collective.

The first event was an exhibition and a discussion about the growing community that took place at Borough Road Gallery.

Common gardens are places where communities nurture, replenish, and socialise. Such collective practices maintain local ecosystems, promote local agency, and challenge how we relate to each other and our environment.

Speakers included:

  • Loughborough Farm
  • Nooma Studio
  • Marco Veneri
  • Anne Selina Poole/Joseph Griffiths, Public Practice.

Friday 9 June 2023: Point of Creation symposium with Yakim Milev, Steve Bowkett, Malgorzata Starzynska and Elisavet Hasa

This symposium brought took place at the LSBU Hub, and brought together speakers from London and Europe to examine the challenges and opportunities emerging from new digital processes and explore platforms to contemporary design and drawing.

Speakers included:

  • Yalim Milev, London South Bank University
  • Professor Sam Jacoby, Royal College of Art
  • Dr Elisavet Hasa, London South Bank University
  • Steve Bowkett, London South Bank University
  • Malgorzata Starzynska, London South Bank University
  • Dr Maciej Nisztuk, DBF, Poland

We were pleased to host some lively debates with the audience, including architecture practitioners, students and members of the general public.

Saturday 10 June 2023: London Festival of Architecture Common Gardens Practice with Ioana Petrova and Valerio Massaro

As part of the London Festival of Architecture, we held two public events in collaboration with Loughborough Farm. The events built upon the research work of BA (Hons) Architecture students and investigated ways to rethink design as a collective.

The second event took place at Loughborough Road Farm, and was a series of practical workshops providing participants with practical knowledge on urban gardening.

Workshops included:

  • a Loughborough Farm tour
  • laughter yoga
  • a composting workshop with Incredible Edible Lambeth and Trueque Collective
  • a DIY renewable energy workshop
  • a children’s seedlings workshop
  • a remaking workshop with remakery.

Student lecture series, talks and exhibitions

Throughout the year: Studio trips and events

We organise an array of events, site visits, city walks and studio trips for our Architecture students, allowing them to explore diverse cultural contexts while gaining practical experience and design inspiration.

Visits for BA (Hons) Architecture students included Athens, Berlin, Wales, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Barcelona.

MArch Architecture students went to Pesaro, Amsterdam or Morocco.

These studio trips not only offer students exposure to diverse architectural styles but also provide them with the opportunity to interact with local architecture and design workshops. These experiences broaden students’ perspectives and enrich their creative approaches to design.

Throughout the year: Dodgeball and basketball sessions

Architecture and LSBU Active have come together to offer complimentary dodgeball and basketball sessions to create a healthy and more dynamic learning environment for our students. We believe it is crucial to recognise the advantages of stepping away from the studio and engaging in physical activities.

Student involvement contributed to their sense of well-being and helped foster an even stronger sense of community within the Division of Architecture.

Thursday 20 October 2022: Skateboarding Terrains – Sixty Years of Design with Iain Borden, UCL

Thursday 20 October 2022: Skateboarding Terrains – Sixty Years of Design with Iain Borden, UCL

Over six decades, skateboarding has evolved into a rich set of urban cultures, practices, practitioners and spaces. In this talk, Iain Borden focuses on the diverse range of different architectures designed for – and often by – skateboarders. Borden is a Professor of Architecture & Urban Culture, and Vice-Dean of Education, at The Bartlett, University College London.

Thursday 27 October 2022: Atelier Culture with Andrew Wilson, University of Queensland

Thursday 27 October 2022: Atelier Culture with Andrew Wilson, University of Queensland

This lecture was an account of modern architecture in Japan in the twentieth century, the persistence of vernacular traditions and an overview of contemporary Japanese Architecture today. Wilson is a registered architect, architectural educator and researcher with practical experience in Australia and Germany.

Thursday 17 November 2022: Design by Analogue – Learning by doing and doing by learning with Sophie McCarthy, Atomik Architecture

Thursday 17 November 2022: Design by Analogue – Learning by doing and doing by learning with Sophie McCarthy, Atomik Architecture

In this lecture, McCarthy explored how ‘thinking by doing’ is vital to in design development. This fun process helps us to understand how things fit together and change over time. As Design Director at Atomik Architecture, McCarthy’s portfolio covers residential, hospitality, hotels, museums and office projects.

Thursday 2 February 2023: From Bogota to Beijing: A journey in Architecture across the globe with Ian Bogle, Bogle Architects

As Creative Director of Bogle Architects, Ian Bogle discusses the studio’s exploration of cultural, climatic and environmental differences across continents. Bogle founded the multi-award-winning practice in 2012 which is now active in more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and South America across many different building typologies and sectors.

Thursday 28 February 2023: Stanton Williams: How we work with Stephen Hadley and Kevin Coello

Stephen Hadley (Associate Director) and Kevin Coello (Architectural Assistant) discuss the work and ethos of the Stirling prize-winning architectural practice Stanton Williams. Stephen shared his tips and knowledge from nearly 20 years in the practice, including what makes a good graduate portfolio and how best to prepare for the interview.

Saturday 12 November 2022: How to prepare a portfolio

This session was part of LSBU’s November 2022 Open Day.

Tuesday 28 March 2023: Model Making Workshop

This event was held in LSBU’s Keyworth building and provided students from all subject areas with the opportunity to make their own models.

Thursday 22 June 2023: An Exhibition of Architectural Works End of Year show

Also, at the LSBU Hub, more than 200 guests came to immerse themselves in our talented students’ works. Showcasing talent across our programmes, we showcased some remarkable designs and groundbreaking projects.

Some students received a special commendation as part of the event:

  • Achievement Award Year 01 > Alexandra Szal
  • Achievement Award Year 02 > Daniele Ferrentino
  • Achievement Award Year 03 > Ellie Spencer
  • Academic Excellence Award Year 04 > Joshua Carter
  • Academic Excellence Award Year 05> Jake Wilson
  • Dissertation Award > Akramul Askaari
  • Best Drawing Award (BA) > Rob Atkins
  • Communications Award (BA) > Georgina Kidd
  • Best Drawing Award (MArch) > Rafael Teixeira
  • Communications Award (MArch) > Albert Boborodov
  • Inspiration + Leadership Award > Adedoyin Daniel Adeyelu

Daniel Wing Hang Tang, Lecture in Architecture at LSBU, said, “Thank you to the students and staff for putting in such great effort to make the LSBU Architecture End of Year student show 2023 opening a memorable night.

“It showcased our dedication to learning and exploring new ideas, advancing the discourse in architecture. It was also an opportunity for us to gather and celebrate our year of hard work. We look forward to doing this again in the coming year!”