Bradford Prototypes



Building relationships between the A&E nurses and Voluntary Sector Organisations to improve children and young people’s patient experience.

This prototype seeks to connect A&E teams to the mental health support available for children and young people through the voluntary sector and help them understand how to promote access to those services. The hope is that all young people experiencing mental health crises will be able to access immediate support within their own community.



Doorstep Wellbeing Initiative

This prototype seeks to build stronger, healthier communities to relieve the stress on GPs, A&E and provide support where it is needed.  We want to develop a filtering/triage service in their neighbourhood using community assets.



Improve referrals from A&E

This prototype aims to better meet need by reducing handovers, starting with the referral process from A&E. We know that handovers contribute to fragmentation and reduced quality of experience and outcomes. We are learning lessons from the experience of colleagues who have done this with other services.


Joint Bradford and Hastings


Fair funding for Primary Care

Primary Care in poor communities receives less funding from the national formula. This Change Project seeks to ensure that postcode does not affect funding and establish a model of understanding need as the basis for funding distribution.


Access/ Rationing:

Building trusted working relationships between GPs and Voluntary Sector organisations

This prototype seeks to invest in key relationships to enable integration (processes that help services and people know each other and work collaboratively) and improve collaboration. By collaborating with local people, learning lessons from the vaccine programme, we can redesign services close to people’s home.



An easy way for everyone in Bradford and Craven to support a healthy mind

This project is established within Bradford and seeks to find a way for everyone in Bradford and Craven to improve their mental health by connecting the NHS and Voluntary Sectors to meet local need.


Rationing/ Medicalising Poverty:

Rethinking primary care

This prototype aims to ensure that people who need primary care can access it, and that primary care services are proactively designed to meet need. This group is exploring how best to design services for people who turn up frequently, and people who need continuity, to meet need and reduce demand and free capacity to enable the practice to be more proactive in connecting to the whole community. We are also exploring who does and does not get access.


Adult Weight Management

This prototype is aiming to tackle the post-pandemic rise in obesity levels, as well as encouraging healthy lifestyles. We are seeking to maximize the use of current weight management as well as improve the way conversations are approached, via training and prioritising motivational language.


New prototype: Healthy Minds

Young people have been scoping and looking at best practice, and setting out what they want to see happen.

We are aiming for a series of off-shoots from this with peer supporters, champion community volunteers, different accessible tools and linking with the VCS Alliance and the Wellbeing Hubs.