Sustainability Steering Group

The Sustainability Steering Group

The Sustainability and Climate Change Steering Group (SSG) oversees the development and implementation of the sustainability and climate change agenda across the LSBU Group. It is a forum for collaborative working and consultation, and it provides guidance and advice to the LSBU Group on matters of sustainability and climate change on teaching and learning, research and innovation, administration, and engagement with government and local authorities, industry and the LSBU Group's local communities.

The SSG reports to the LSBU Group Executive and has delegated authority to make decisions according to its terms of reference (DOCX File 29 KB).

The SSG has representatives from across the LSBU Group:

  • Simon Cruickshank, Group Chief Financial Director (Chair)
  • George Ofori, Group Sustainability Lead
  • Ian Rule, Chief Executive at South Bank Colleges
  • Agyei Smith, Operations Manager at South Bank Academies
  • Rachel Mundy, Student Voice and Outreach Manager, Students Union representative
  • Devonte James, South Bank Students Union President
  • Richard Poulson, Group Deputy Director of Estates and Academic Environment (Operations)
  • Helen Powell, Head of Division of Creative Technologies, School of Arts and Creative Industries, Senior academic school representative
  • Jaya Gajparia, Head of Division of Social Sciences, School of Law and Social Sciences, Senior academic school representative
  • Patrick Callaghan, Academic Lead, LSBU Doctoral College
  • Laurence Few, Head of Procurement
  • Laurence Evans, Representative of Strategy, Planning and Performance team
  • Benedict Williamson, Group Energy and Sustainability Manager
  • TBC, People’s Team representative
  • TBC, Marketing or Branding Team representative
  • Carol Wardell, Administrator of the SSG
  • Dominique Phipp, Governance Expert, a Volunteer.