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Survey proves more graduates in work

A new official survey from the Higher Education Statistics Agency has revealed that more UK graduates are in professional jobs than at any time since the recession
27 August 2015

The Higher Education Statistics Agency has today (27 August) published the results of the longitudinal survey of 2010/11 graduate destinations, showing that 88% of UK domiciled graduates were in employment, with 80.5% in professional jobs.

Responding  to the announcement, Professor Dave Phoenix, Vice-Chancellor of London South Bank University (LSBU) and Chair of the leading university think tank million+ said: “The official statistics from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey confirm that studying for a degree is one of the best decisions that anyone can make if they want to get a job. They show that for the vast majority of students going to university has prepared them well for their future careers.  

"These figures should be seen as encouragement to anyone thinking about taking that next step into higher education and I hope those considering their options will ensure they have spoken to their local university to see what opportunities exist for 2016 or 2017 entry."

The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey revealed a huge increase in the number of LSBU students securing professional roles after graduating.

Recent figures show that 75% of LSBU graduates who responded were in a professional and/or managerial role just six months after graduating. The figure represents almost a 27% increase from the previous year's results.

Graduates from LSBU also benefited from generous salaries, with an average of £28,900 per year.