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Southwark sightseeing – our favourite spots!

Even the Mayor works here...
27 August 2021

Our main campus is right in the action of south London. Our home has always been Southwark, arguably London’s most diverse and exciting borough – even the Mayor works here! Which bring us nicely to our first sight...

City Hall

Home to a beautiful swirling staircase that you can see through the window – oh, and the Mayor - this is a great piece of modern (or Neo-Futurist, we should say) architecture worth seeing. Sat next to Tower Bridge (also amazing), the whole river walk is a lovely stroll. Also, the Mayor is moving in December, so get there whilst you can!

kidney shaped building in front of pointy building

The Shard

Tall, glass, tall – the Shard has everything. Impressive from below, unbeatable from the top floor. It’s a seriously cool building that’s well worth seeing up close, as it’s pretty hard to miss from far away. For a special treat, get yourself a ticket to the View From The Shard, which is the proper name for the really-high-up viewing gallery. Arguably the best view of London. You might even see us writing these lists through my office window – we promise to wave.

Golden Hinde

A bolt-by-bolt, traditionally built full-sized replica of the ship used to circumnavigate the world back in the 16thvery modern stone building; arty Century! How’s that for old school? And, well, there are a couple of lovely pubs right next to it if you need a break from the history lesson.

The Globe

In the theme of faithful recreations, this venue is world-renowned. Based on the original theatre, this brilliant iconoclastic building stands out by looking quite the part. It regularly puts on stellar performances of The Bard’s work and is worth a visit for any fan of the arts.

Tate Modern

Housed in a beautiful old factory, the building itself serves as a piece of art. With public installations around (such as Beuys' Acorns), it’s a modern sight to behold. Also, if you fancy a view from heights (and the Shard didn’t hit the spot), you can go up the tower for a view across the river (and into some expensive bedrooms next door)

What’s your favourite night-time haunt in south London? Let us know on social media and we might even include them in a future article!