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Global network for research and innovation in building and construction comes to LSBU

The research and resources of the global CIB network will now be available to students of the built environment and architecture at LSBU
12 March 2015

The International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) has given approval for a Student Chapter in LSBU's School of the Built Environment and Architecture.

CIB is an international research council providing a global network for international exchange and cooperation in research and innovation in building and construction.

The new Student Chapter in the School of the Built Environment and Architecture will be open to all postgraduate and research students who have a strong interest in research and innovation in the built and natural environment.

Membership allows access to leading-edge building research world-wide and to CIB's calendar of international events and conferences.

Professor Charles Egbu – Dean of the School of the Built Environment and Architecture - said: "The benefits of being a CIB student Chapter are immense. It enables our research students to network widely with other PhD and research students in their field. Have access to one of the most comprehensive databases of research materials in architecture, building and construction, together with access to international conferences and thinking from some of the eminent researchers and writers in our field."