Partnership in Social Care at a time of cuts conference
This conference brought together students, service users and professionals to discuss how working in partnership will benefit the services provided in social care, especially at a time of budget cuts.LSBU Students and Service User Associates, supported by John Macdonough, Senior Lecturer in Primary and Social Work held a conference on 21 March 2012. It was a very successful day with a lot of heartfelt passionate discussion about where improvements need to be made in social care services to avoid the failures many have unfortunately experienced.
Councillor Lorna Reith, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children, Haringey Council, started the day by giving a talk and answering questions. The morning involved a number of guest speakers which included Kaliya Franklin and Sue Marsh who are both disability and benefits activists and bloggers. Kaliya and Sue spoke about their experiences of social care and the challenges and mistreatment they have experienced as service users. Sue told the conference that: "moderate needs does not necessarily mean you do not need much", explaining how those deemed as needing moderate care were facing losing their care packages, which in many cases will have detrimental effects on their quality of life.
The conference was definitely a step in the right direction and has shown that all people involved in social care from service users to professionals want to make a change to improve the services provided.
Today makes you feel that there is room for optimism
Professor Peter Beresford, Chair of service user organisation Shaping our Lives
Professor Peter Beresford, Chair of service user organisation Shaping our Lives, gave his talk to the conference encouraging all of us to work in partnership to improve social care services.
The rest of the day consisted of question and answer sessions and interactive workshops on specific areas of interest to allow attendees to discuss and express their own concerns and opinions.