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'Making an economic case: analysing cost-benefit and inter-individual variations' - Free seminar by Professor Martin Knapp on 14 June 2012

The seminar 'Making an economic case: analysing cost-benefit and inter-individual variations' will take place on Thursday 14 June 2012.
17 July 2013

Professor Martin Knapp, London School of Economics and Political Science, Kings College London, Institute of Psychiatry and NIHR School for Social Care Research will introduce the style of evaluation referred to as 'cost-benefit analysis', in which the researchers try to attach a monetary value to the outcomes. This is tricky, but there has been some success, and some partial such analyses. He will give illustrations from work that his team has done on mental health promotion and mental illness prevention.

The second part of the seminar will argue that researchers can give decision makers considerable assistance by looking at variations in outcome, cost and the relationship between the two for different sub-groups within the population, for example through carrying out analyses of cost and outcome variations. A couple of illustrations will be given.

Do not miss the opportunity to attend another exciting seminar on health economics, please email Markella Boudioni to confirm your place. All are welcome.