LSBU team runners up in UK wide game design competition
The team, PB&J Studios, came a very close second in the Green Game Jam, for their game Pollution PanicUKIE’s Green Game Jam (partnered with Space Ape Games and Playmob) challenged 380 students across 80 teams to create a compelling game which raised awareness of key climate issues. Students came from over 20 institutions across the UK to compete on 5-6 November.
LSBU’s PB&J Studios included Belle Ilea, Dan Ryan and Piers Reed, all students on the Game Design and Development degree course. Their game, Pollution Panic, impressed the judges, not just because of the concept and playability, but because of how complete it was. As an exception, PB&J Studios were also awarded the first place prize: tickets to Games First 2020 and a chance to showcase their work.
Check out the video of Pollution Panic below:
Course director , Andy Lemon, is incredibly proud of the team: “I’m absolutely thrilled that my students have produced such an excellent game jam entry on such an important and topical point of interest; anything our students can do to promote awareness of climate issues and recycling is fantastic and I do hope they continue to develop this game further in the coming months!
“Their success is testament to the hard work and commitment of all team members; Belle, Dan and Piers put in a large amount of hours working on the project and it’s certainly worth noting that they created all the content themselves from scratch during the jam - that’s everything from the code, graphics and sound and they even managed to run a fun and hilarious social media presence on Twitter during the jam.”
Find out more about Game Design and Development.