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LSBU student wins prestigious international essay prize

London South Bank University Nursing student Carlos Dos Santos is awarded international prize on Nursing Ethics
22 January 2015

Carlos Dos Santos, a third year Mental Health student at London South Bank University (LSBU), has been awarded with the Andrew McKie Undergraduate Nursing Ethics Essay Prize.

Each year the journal Nursing Ethics invites nursing students from around the world to submit original unpublished essays on a nursing or healthcare topic. The winning author has their essay published and is given a year's free subscription to the journal and £100 to put toward other publications.

Carlos' essay is entitled 'No ethics without meta-ethics' and incorporates his idea suggesting that nursing occupies a distinctive place in healthcare, given the intensive nature of the interaction with patients. Carlos proposes that working in nursing requires an enhanced level of personal involvement and responsibility for the patient, and this aspect of the work is being eroded - which he states would explain many of the shortcomings in care recently reported by the media and public inquiries.

Carlos – originally from Brazil – said: "Winning this International Prize was an indescribably overwhelming experience for me.

"I would not have received this prize without the support and encouragement from my peers and lecturers at LSBU – especially Mark Howard my cohort leader and Tom Currid our Programme Director. This course has been life-changing and I recommend anyone considering studying Mental Health at LSBU to go for it as it is so rewarding, and the support and training you receive from the staff here is exceptional."