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LSBU Student awarded D&AD New Blood Award

27 July 2023

Newly graduated in Creative Advertising with Marketing, London South Bank University (LSBU) student Katherine Roger has been awarded a D&AD New Blood Award for her ‘Inspiring Moments’ campaign in this international advertising competition.

Katherine designed an advertising campaign for Heinz, centred around gamers. Rather than focusing on fast-paced first-person shooters, Katherine focused the campaign around story-based adventure games, highlighting the cinematography of these.

Using a social media campaign, Katherine encouraged users to appreciate the environments of these incredible worlds, with the aim of sharing moments whilst recharging with Heinz. She also incorporated spaces, dubbed 'Heinz Gaming Lounges', to inspire the community to refuel and take a breather at conventions and eSports parties, encouraging gamers to connect both online and offline.

Katherine's  campaign can be viewed here:

Katherine Roger, said:

“I’ve always been quite eccentric and whimsical in my thinking so to know there’s a place for this in the creative industry is incredibly uplifting. I wanted to be different to the other campaigns and have always preferred story-based adventure games so felt it important for the campaign to be focused around these.

“It’s an immense privilege to have my work highlighted like this and I’m excited at the opportunities this can give me in the industry.”

Associate Professor Helen Powell, Course Director, Creative Advertising with Marketing, said:

“Katherine’s work is an incredible example of thinking out of the box and devising inspiring and innovative advertising campaigns. Her creative flare has really shone through in this and I couldn’t be prouder of her achievement in this global competition.”