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LSBU student’s photography gets national profile

LSBU photography student Bradley Chippington has been interviewed by national media for his final-year project which explores male domestic abuse
23 April 2014

LSBU student Bradley Chippington was invited to BBC Breakfast and BBC Radio Wales to talk about his 'Invisible' photography project which seeks to raise awareness of domestic abuse in gay male and bisexual relationships.

Bradley is in his third year studying towards a BA (Hons) Digital Photography at LSBU and the Invisible Campaign is his final-year project.

"My interest in domestic abuse in male relationships was ignited by my own experiences in an abusive relationship between 2010 and 2012," explains Bradley. "My then-partner engendered some of the most emotionally exhausting experiences of my life.

"Although there are various campaigns that are beginning to run aimed at male awareness, there are still none for gay or bisexual men. The percentage of gay or bisexual men who suffered partner abuse in 2008–09 is nearly double the number for heterosexual men: 6.2 per cent versus 3.3 per cent."

Bradley describes his photography project as "a bold, bloody piece that concentrates on destruction and violence." His campaign includes a website, social media, posters and a series of short films. Along with BBC radio and television, Bradley has had interest from US and LGBT publications.

"I want to hopefully allow people a gateway which directs them to support groups," says Bradley. "The 'Invisible' Campaign is built from my initial project 'Trauma' which touched on the personal aspects of my experiences and the emotions this conveyed.

"The notion of the 'Invisible' is referring to the invisibility and solitude of the victim or victims whilst in an abusive relationship. The invisible also refers to being behind closed doors and invisible from family and the general public from seeing the abuse happening.

"The short films and collection of posters have been designed for the victim as a method of communication saying, 'there is support out there and this is what you can do'."