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LSBU opens new Centre for Green Process Engineering

The Department of Applied Sciences at London South Bank University (LSBU) has launched a new Centre for Green Process Engineering (CGPE), an emerging area of research that looks at designing sustainable and safe chemical processes.
17 July 2013

Launched at LSBU's Keyworth Centre, the CGPE will integrate new, environmentally-friendly chemical routes and technical innovation to achieve green chemical process development.

Led by Professor of Chemical and Process Engineering Basu Saha, the centre will enhance the University's research, teaching and enterprise activities through a termly lecture series and other cross-departmental initiatives. The intention is to establish an interdisciplinary centre for Green Process Engineering that brings together complementary activities from across the faculty.

On the launch of the centre, Professor Saha said: "Our reasoning is based on the growing concern for the environment, increasingly stringent standards for the release of chemicals into the environment, and economic competitiveness.

"We hope the centre will provide a platform for Chemical and Process Engineers and Chemists from industry and academia, working in fine or specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals or similar industries."

The official launch event featured a range of keynote speakers who addressed the latest progress in green process development and introduced students and staff to the diverse and exciting research taking place in the industry and academia.

Keynote speakers included Professor Chris Hardacre, Head of School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Queen's University Belfast; Dr Tim Davies, Chief Technical Officer at Green Biologics Ltd; and Professor Volker Hessel, Professor of Micro Flow Chemistry and Process Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology. Dr David Brown, IChemE Chief Executive, also attended the launch event.

It is anticipated that the centre will contribute Green Process Technologies modules to the undergraduate and postgraduate courses taught in the Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment (ESBE).