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LSBU marketing careers evening reaches new heights

The annual LSBU marketing careers evening reached new heights this year, as nearly 30 alumni and marketing professionals returned to campus to share their perspectives on the marketing industry
11 June 2014

Attending alumni included recent graduates and also those who have risen to senior marketing management roles at companies such as HSBC, Lloyds, LVMH Ogilvy and Sony. Topics on the evening included networking skills, interview techniques and best practice for the preparation of CVs.

As part of a dynamic agenda, more than 100 final year and post-graduate students heard from Leo Ryan, Group Head of Ogilvy's social marketing agency, who delivered a fascinating speech entitled, 'the need for muscle, mind and matter.'

Anita Peleg, Senior Lecturer in Marketing and co-organiser said:

"Each year the number of alumni at this event grows, and each year more students benefit from their wealth of knowledge about the job market within the marketing industry. That so many of our graduates give up their time to help and guide the next crop of graduates is a source of immense pride and satisfaction for us all."

Billie Ing, Research Manager for Ipsos Mori's Centre of Excellence for Ethnography, gave an illuminating talk about her journey from LSBU to one of the world's leading market research firms. Like many of our graduates, Billie has been a continual source of support and mentorship for LSBU students, and she has helped many of our students to identify and secure employment opportunities post-graduation.

"I thoroughly enjoyed speaking to LSBU students at the careers evening. It's always so nice to meet such engaged, enthusiastic and knowledgeable students, many of whom connected with me afterwards so we can stay in touch." says Billie.

During the last academic year, marketing alumni have provided more than sixty job opportunities for students and have delivered numerous expert talks on industry perspectives of marketing.

Mel Godfrey, Senior Lecturer in Marketing said:

"The 'give back' culture goes to the heart of what we do at LSBU. It's wonderful to see our graduates achieve such success, and it's incredibly gratifying that so many of them want to help those who are just starting their own career journeys."

Learn more about studying marketing at LSBU