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LSBU graduation celebration for Malaysian Ministry of Health alumni

This year, for the first time, LSBU's International Office and the School of Business held a very special Graduation Ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
04 April 2016

The celebratory event, held on 29 February, recognised the tremendous successes of LSBU-educated Malaysian alumni within the Malaysian health service.  It also marked the 25th anniversary of welcoming sponsored students from Malaysia’s Ministry of Health onto LSBU’s School of Business programmes.

The event saw 23 Malaysian alumni, many of whom continued, or are currently continuing, their careers at the Ministry of Health, join in the graduation festivities with their families.

Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of the School of Business, Professor Mike Molan, took the role of Master of Ceremonies and gave the opening address. During the presentation ceremony he awarded graduation certificates to the alumni alongside guest of honour, Deputy Director General for Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) Datuk Dr Jeyaindran, with Associate Prof Mary Lawrence as Orator.

Professor Molan, commented: "It was a privilege to travel to Kuala Lumpur to take part in this graduation ceremony for Business School graduates from the last 25 years.

“It’s brilliant to see that so many of our graduates have gone on to have successful careers, with many now holding senior posts as hospital directors in Malaysia.

“It’s very rewarding to see that these graduates have been able to use their degrees to help enhance the health service in Malaysia, and it’s a great example of how the quality of LSBU’s teaching curriculum is beneficial to our students.”

Datuk Dr Jeyaindran, said: “I understand the value of a British education as I've also spent time doing postgraduate studies in London. It’s wonderful to see that so many of the graduates have been successful following their studies and it was my pleasure to be part of this event.”

Find out more about the MSc International Health Services & Hospital Management programme or contact LSBU's International Office to find out more about the application process for overseas students.