LSBU academic launches major new reference work on urban regeneration
A major new work in the field of urban regeneration co-authored by LSBU academic, Dr Michael E Leary, was marked with a highly productive public seminar and book launch at LSBU's Clarence Centre last week.The new book The Routledge Companion to Urban Regeneration co-edited by Dr Michael E Leary (LSBU) and Dr John McCarthy (Herriot Watt University) was described in one review as, "destined to be an essential reference for anyone interested in urban regeneration".
Tracey Reynolds, from LSBU's Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR), opened the event followed by Michael Leary who outlined his new definition of 'aspirational regeneration', centred on the needs of local people in areas suffering various forms of disadvantage. He went on to reveal seven principles for the achievement of genuine aspirational urban regeneration.
Other speakers provided the audience with telling insights into regeneration expertise, values and interests in Tower Hamlets; the social and environmental impacts of the 2012 Olympics; and lessons from regeneration in England over the last 30 years.
Find out more about the Seven principles of aspirational urban regeneration
Find out more about The Routledge Companion to Urban Regeneration.