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LSBU architecture students showcase projects

This year's School of Architecture Annual Exhibition was held in the new Student Centre conveying a real sense of grandeur to the occasion
08 October 2013

Installing models, mounting drawings and setting up projection displays, undergraduate and postgraduate students threw themselves into 24 hours of sweat and toil preparing the exhibition.

First-year students showed their spatial and analytical studies, as well as their models for the 'House for an Enthusiast' project; the second-year students' contribution to the exhibition focussed on their King's Cross Museum schemes.

Amongst the projects exhibited was third-year BA (Hons) Architecture graduate David Horton's design for a language school, which aims to offer its students, including adult learners, rather more than just an education. Located at the City of London's Fenchurch Street, a busy transport hub, the building organises spaces for teaching and knowledge exchange around a giant M.C. Esher-like staircase hall that provides a theatrical public connection between the high-level railway platform and life at street level.

Yakim Milev's final year Postgraduate Diploma proposal injects new life into Centre Point by re-inventing the 32-storey listed London landmark, built in 1966, as a vertical urban caravan park. The speculative scheme offers not only a holiday in the West End, but also opportunities to engage in political and cultural activities in what Milev calls a 'social condenser', inspired by 1920s visionary constructivists Melnikov and El Lissitzky.

Architecture is based in the School of The Built Environment and Architecture