Academy of Sport to hold Basketball Masterclass
On Tuesday 17 December 2013, the Academy of Sport at London South Bank University (LSBU) will be holding a Basketball Masterclass for talented basketball players around London.The aim of the masterclass is to build links with colleges and other basketball programmes, to demonstrate the range of courses and facilities LSBU has to offer to potential students, as well as to promote the sought after Elite Basketball Scholarship programme.
The masterclass will help improve and develop players in a variety of skills and promote Higher Education as a real opportunity for when they leave college. It will also inform them of the help they can get via scholarships available at LSBU, and attract some high quality players to our Elite Sports Programme for the coming years.
For further information, please contact Iain Killoughery, Student Sport & Activities Manager at LSBU, via email: sports@lsbu.ac.uk or telephone: 020 7815 8205.